The collective 'EARTH’na' presents 114 recommendations to address environmental disasters in Tunisia
The collective "EARTH’na" has published, in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tunisia's "Future Leaders" program, a report in three languages (Arabic, French, and English) aimed at civil society organizations regarding environmental and development rights in Tunisia. This report has also been sent to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva in preparation for the universal periodic review of the Tunisian state before this council, which will take place in November 2022.
The report focused on Tunisia's exposure to environmental disasters, urging the state to take urgent and comprehensive measures to mitigate the risks of these anticipated disasters.
It is worth noting that Tunisia ranked 96th in the Environmental Performance Index for 2022 out of 180 countries, dropping 25 places compared to 2020. It was ranked 71st internationally. In the 2022 rankings, Tunisia stands fifth in the Arab world and 13th in Africa.
Our country is also the third highest in Africa in terms of environmental pollution. Additionally, Tunisia suffers from water scarcity, ranking high in the Arab world concerning water scarcity.
The report included 114 recommendations divided into several key areas, including:
- Guaranteeing the right to a healthy and balanced environment.
- Ensuring equality for all in a healthy environment.
- Establishing the right to access environmental information and environmental education.
- Focusing on food and agricultural security.
- Combating environmental pollution.
- Developing plans to maintain air quality in the areas most exposed to atmospheric pollution.
- Revising the threshold of penalties for environmental offenses, particularly regarding marine pollution.
- Adopting a law for the prevention of contaminated sites.
- Creating specialized environmental law departments within the courts and improving the violation monitoring system.
- Preparing awareness activities and participatory workshops in educational institutions.
- Integrating climate change mitigation into national legislation.
- Organizing an effective environmental awareness campaign in the media.
- Promoting sustainable tourism accessible to all.
- Implementing source separation of waste and valuing waste.
- Strengthening regional and/or international cooperation with countries along migratory routes to protect migratory species in Tunisia.
- Encouraging the creation of green spaces and natural reserves.
- Developing partnerships with civil society organizations and providing them with the necessary means to carry out their mission of environmental protection effectively.
It should be noted that the collective "EARTH’na" is a group of young Tunisians supported by various environmental and human rights associations. They work to conduct awareness campaigns, monitoring, and alerts on fundamental issues related to climate change, biodiversity conservation, and any harm to the environment and heritage.
The collective is supported by the following associations, organizations, and foundations: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tunisia (FES Tunisia), the Ecotourism Environment Association (ETE+) of Nabeul, the Tunisian Association for the Protection of Nature and the Environment (ATPNE) of Korba, the Animal Protection Association (PAT), the Tunisian Association ADO+, the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Liberties (ADLI), the Association of Young Engineers, and El Space Innovation Hub.
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